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10KV无线测温装置根据《NB/T 42086-2016无线测温装置技术要求》开发,可用于3~35kV户内开关柜,包括中置柜、手车柜、固定柜、环网柜等多种开关柜,也可用于0.4kV低压柜,包括固定柜,抽屉柜等。无线温度传感器可安装于柜内任何发热点上,利用无线数据传输技术,可实时把监测数据发送出去
品牌 | 安科瑞/ACREL | 产地 | 国产 |
测量对象 | 其他对象 | 销售区域 | 全国,华东,华南,华北,华中,东北,西南,西北,港澳台,海外 |
1 安装使用指南
1 Installation Guide
1.1 产品概述
1.1 Product Introduction
10KV无线测温装置根据《NB/T 42086-2016无线测温装置技术要求》开发,可用于3~35kV户内开关柜,包括中置柜、手车柜、固定柜、环网柜等多种开关柜,也可用于0.4kV低压柜,包括固定柜,抽屉柜等。无线温度传感器可安装于柜内任何发热点上,利用无线数据传输技术,可实时把监测数据发送出去,通过ARTM-Pn无线测温采集装置就地显示温度,也可以通过装置的RS485接口互联组网实现远程智能监控。
ARTM-Pn wireless temperature measuring equipment has been developed in compliance with Specification for Wireless Temperature Measuring equipment, NB/T 42086-2016. It is suitable for 3-35kV indoor switchgears, including built-in switchgears, handcart switchgears, fixed switchgears and loop-net switchgears. It is also suitable for 0.4kV low-voltage switchgears such as fixed switchgears and drawer switchgears. The wireless temperature sensors can be installed at any heating point in switchgears, the device utilizes the wireless data transmission technology for real-time transmission of monitored temperature data and displays such data on ARTM-Pn locally. In addition, it can be networked via the RS485 port for remote intelligent monitoring.
1.4 产品安装
1.4 Product Installation
ARTM-Pn wireless temperature measuring equipment is installed with the front panel embedded. First, make a square hole on the switchgear surface to the specified size. Then, separate the two brackets from device and embed the device into the square hole. Finally, push and lock the brackets.
1.4.1 安装方法
1.4.1 Installation Method
1.4.2 开孔尺寸
1.4.2 Hole Size
1.4.3 无线温度收发器的安装
1.4.3 Wireless Temperature Coordinator Installation
与ARTM-Pn产品配套使用的无线温度收发器直接安装在ARTM-Pn 的无线测温接口(61~64),并连接好天线;产品尺寸外观和安装效果如下图所示。
The wireless temperature transceiver used with ARTM-Pn product is directly installed in the wireless temperature measuring interface of ARTM-Pn (61~64), and the antenna is connected. Product size, appearance and installation effect are shown in the following picture.
1.4.4 无线温度传感器的安装
1.4.4 Wireless Temperature Sensor Installation
There are several types of wireless temperature sensors and mounting methods correspondingly, i.e. magnetic , belt and alloy chip fixing.
1.4.4 10KV无线测温装置的安装
1.4.4 Wireless Temperature Sensor Installation
There are several types of wireless temperature sensors and mounting methods correspondingly, i.e. magnetic , belt and alloy chip fixing.
2The Analysis and Solvent of Some Faults
2.1 辅助电源故障
2.1 Power Source Fault
The LCD does not work after the device power on?
Reason: Wiring connector connects to power source wrong.
Solvent:Take off the connector of “Wireless Temp”, check up the power source connector, and power
on it again.
2.2 告警继电器动作故障
2.2 Relay Output Fault
When measured wireless temperature values exceed the setting values, the relay output does not work?
Reason: “Node Enable” is not “ON”.
2.3 通信故障
2.3 Communication Fault
PC /host computer can’t communicate with the device?
Reason: The address or other port parameter of communication is wrong.
Solvent: “MENU”->”Comm”, Set valid address or other port parameter.
2.4 节点温度值显示故障
2.4 Wireless Temperature Fault
On the “Temp” interface, the device shows “No Nodes ”?
Reason: Active wireless temperature sensor battery is closed or passive wireless temperature sensor does not work, or the sensor is not matched to the device.
Solvent: (1) Check up the active wireless temperature whether its battery switch is “ON”? (When the battery switch turn to ON from OFF, the green light will lighting twice, it is worked, otherwise, wait for 5s and turn on it again); check up the circuit whether it worked with the current above 5A.
(2) Check up the bar code on wireless temperature sensor and device, if they are not same, find out the sensors with same bar code or bind the sensors online (the detailed method is at “Sensor Setting” in chapter 2.3).